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Fanny Steel


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Full Name: Fanny Elsie Steel

Nickname: Fi

Origin of First Name: French

Origin of Last Name: American

Title: Ms.


Physical Characteristics

Ethnicity: French-American

Skin Tone: Pale

Complexion: Normal

Eye Color: Green/hazel

Hair Color: Red

Hair Style and Texture: Wavy, generally kept loose

Facial Type: Oval

Height: 165cm

Weight: 50kg

Body Type: Ectomorph

Build: Thin

Shoe Size: 38

Birthmarks/Scars: N/A

Distinguishing Features: Her million freckles, a tooth gap, her full eyebrows.


Sex at Birth: Female

Gender: Cis

Pronouns: She/her

Orientation: Bisexual - Biromantic

Age: 22

Age Appearance: Early 20s

Birthday: March 11th

Birthplace: Sunset Valley, USA

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Religion: Atheist



Physical Presentation

Wardrobe: Comfy loose shirts and sweaters, tight pants. (shorts in the summer). Dresses really occasionnaly.

Accessories: Necklaces (metal only).

Makeup: Natural makeup on her going out days. Coral lipstick.

Mode of Dress: Comfortably coordinated, never really fancy.

Grooming: Cares for her hygiene.

Trinkets: A charm bracelet from her sister.

Posture: A bit slouchy at times.

Gait: Normal (on the lazy side in the early morning).

Coordination: She can be clumsy when not on a horse. Can't catch anything thrown at her.

Habits and Mannerisms: Biting her nails and her lower lip.

Scent: Lily of the Valley perfume - Sweat and hay


Language(s) Spoken: French - English

Accent: Light Mid-West American accent

Voice: Silvery

Speech Impediments: N/A

Greetings and Farewells: "Howdy!" ; "Later!"

Cussing: "Darn" ; "What the eff"

Tag Line: "[...], yeah?" at the end of most sentences as though looking for approval.

Signature Quote: "Better to be alone than ill accompanied."


Reputation: Shy, introverted, sweet, cluts

First Impressions: Shy, cold

Stranger Impressions: Cold, passive

Friendly Impressions: Sweet, absent-minded, gentle and introverted

Enemy Impressions: Awkward, passive

Familiar Impressions: Selfish, brooder (family)/ sweet, indecisive, wallflower (lover)

Compliments: Helpful, good listener, caring

Insults: Cluts, dummy

Self Impression: Indecisive, worry wart, clumsy, introverted, nice

Physical Health/State

Blood Type: O+

Preferred Hand: Left handed

Health: Never sick ;)

Energy: Fanny sleeps a lot so she is generally not a tired person. Her energy level is normal, though she is slow to get started in the morning.

Memory: Great memory. Too good in her opinion. Fanny's got stuff she'd rather forget.

Senses: All normal, nothing better or worse.

Allergies: Pollen

Handicaps: None

Medication: She's been known to take anti-depressant when her bad memories get too much.

Phobias: Losing someone she loves (again),threatening men (the kind that’s large, yelling, holding a weapon), cockroaches, snakes.

Addictions: Sour candies! She'll pop those in every ten minutes.

Mental Disorders: Some PTSD


Parents and Relationship: Christopher Allan Steel (deceased father), Alice Maé Holloway (née Pellier) and Joshua Michael Holloway (step-father)

Easily her favorite family member, Christopher took care of her and her younger sister for several years all on his own. Prior to her parents separation, he was also the one who was there for her, who toasted her bread in the morning, etc... She knew he had faults as well, like the affair that eventually lead to his divorce, but she forgave him because she knew why he did what he did and understood that if he wasn’t perfect, he was still her father, and as such, the person who loved her most of all. Christopher was murdered when she was 14 years old, leaving her with a huge hole inside her heart. 

Her relationship with her mother is definitely not an easy one. Fanny and her mother do not speak to each other much. Their exchanges are polite but there is no real warmth/feeling behind them. Alice blamed (and still does, at least in her attitude) Fanny for Christopher’s death (they were just rekindling their love for each other when he died), and something broke between them. They were not very close even before then as Alice gave up on her and Eppie, choosing her freedom over her family; still, we only have one mother, and Fanny doesn’t want to turn the page yet.

Joshua married Alice a year after Christopher’s passing. From a military background, he is rather strict and has an aggressive personality that he is too happy to express towards Fanny (and sometimes Eppie). He is very conservative and likes to be in charge of everything. He uprooted the family from the US to France for his work. On the upside he is not home that much. Even when he is there, Fanny avoids him like the plague. She feels unsafe around him.

Overall Fanny isn't in good enough standings with her family to tell them about her sexuality. One can only imagine how they would react.

Parenting (from parents): Before her father's death, Fanny was raised like most children are. Her childhood was neither wild nor strict, even though her parents didn't like talking about Sunset Valley or answering questions about their life prior to their move to Appaloosa Plains. After his passing, things changed drastically and she found herself to be ignored or even told off for no reason other than being there.

Siblings and Relationship: Eppie Céline Steel (sister) and  Hugo Josh Holloway (half brother)

Eppie is seven years younger than Fanny. She never knew the life in California (before the Witness Protection Program) as she was born in Colorado. She was 8 when her father died and, unlike Fanny, was too young to resent her mother for her previous abandonment. Naturally she hung on to her (emotionally and physically) as she was her only parent left. The two girls share a passion for horseriding and despite their difference of opinion regarding Alice, they share a deep bond; Eppie is quite admirative of her older sister, while Fanny is rather protective of Eppie (although she would never say it aloud).

Born after the move to France, Hugo is much much younger than Fanny. At this time our story starts, he is only 4 years of age. Due to the circumstances, Fanny doesn’t spend much time with him at all; it isn’t that she has anything against him in particular, but he reminds her that her father is no long here (which is not a good feeling).

Other Relatives and Relationship: All other relatives were cut off of their lives when the family moved to Appaloosa Plains.

Significant Other and Relationship: Ginny Tomlinson (girlfriend)

Evidently, Fanny is head over heels for Ginny. She never thought she could find someone with whom she felt safe and whole. Their coming together was certainly unordinary as it first required Fanny to realize that dating women was not completely outlandish and that it was in fact "her" thing. As much as she loves Ginny however, Fanny wants to find herself as a person and not live through her girlfriend's dreams, which comes to cause some tensions and Fi's original arrival at Westeros Equine Academy.

Children and Relationship: N/A

Parenting (from character): N/A


Lovers (history): Fanny hasn't really had many lovers in her young life. She was the subject of a one sided love interest as a teen, and had a few kiss exchanges with boys before moving to France, but she didn't truly date anyone before meeting Ginny.

Marital Status: Single. Because of her family experience, Fanny doesn’t like the idea of marriage and says she will never marry anyone (clearly she is wrong but that is what she says for now.) 

Sex Life: When her girlfriend is near, active. When alone... well vibrators have been made for a reason, no?

Friends: Moving around a lot, Fanny has to make friends again and again. At WEA, she befriends her Rehab-Breeding coworkers (especially fellow Americans, Jake and Sydney) and gets quite close to Eliot Castille from the Showing Team.

Enemies: For at time Emma Westerling and Tori Himeka. Her step-father and her mother a little.

Bosses: Joséphine Westerling, with whom she enjoys a curteous and professional relationship, not more.

Followers: Fanny doesn't have followers XD

Icons: She sometimes envies famous riders but doesn't really have icons. Possibly Ingrid Klimke.

Rivals: Although it is friendly, she often finds herself to be competing against Jake Wilson, her co-worker.

Pets: At home, Fanny has a pet turtle and a kitten named Quidditch.

Funds: Fanny is far from being wealthy. She barely scrapes by so her bank account rarely has more than 200 in savings. In her pockets she tries to carry between 20 and 30 euros at all times... but sometimes, she is left with only mere pennies.


Sense of Humor: Self deprecating

Pet Peeves: Snobs, judgemental people, being rushed.

Superstitions/Beliefs: N/A

Quirks: Constantly quotes favorite movies and can usually identify the movie that a quote may come from. She is a grazer and never finishes a meal. She always wears headphones at the barn (especially when riding).

Savvy: Horse behavior, psychology

Can't Understand: Math, Politics... anything requiring the use of a ball.

Closet Hobby: Writing poems, which she never shares with anyone, not even Ginny.

Guilty Pleasure: Remember that sour sweets addiction? Yeah that ;)

Strengths: Calm under pressure, good listener, patient.

Flaws: Insecure, absent-minded, dubious.

Perception:​ There is quite a bit of bad in the world, but if you look around, you'll see there is a lot more good.

Reaction to Positive Events: Smiles, tries not to shout her inner joy too much. She doesn't like to attract attention after all.

Conflicts: Her main conflict at the moment is choosing between being with the one she loves and finding herself as a person as it sometimes doesn't seem possible to do both at the same time.

Instincts: Instinctively deprives herself of spotlight, even when deserved, which can at times make her look inefficient and causes more self doubt. Vicious circle.

Lures: Problem horses, people with difficult pasts or psychologically damaged.

Soft Spot: Soft spot for hurt and weak creatures and unloved children.

Cruel Streak: Will come back to this one day.

MBTI Personality Type: ISFP - avoid conflicts and exude a quiet friendliness. They are open-minded and sympathetic but prefer not to work with others.

Persona/Mask: Fanny tries to present herself as a carefree person, although she is easy to read through.


Mood: She always looks like she's smiling even though, she is often not happy internally.

Attitude: Obliging.

Stability: Quite constant.

Expressiveness: She often tries to hide the way she feels and thus can appear not too expressive.

When Happy: Smiling, laughing. She doesn't fear showing true happiness.

When Depressed: She generally shuts down, and attempts to smile and tell self deprecating jokes.

When Angry: She becomes quite silent, and often rejects people's presence and god forbid, touch.

State of Mind: Guess it could be worse.

Compliment: "You look beautiful today."

Insult: "Oh, piss off!!"

Morals: It's either right or wrong. There is no "if". However she can get past some wrong "things" because we're only humans.

Motivation: Love, safety, and most importantly self-love.

Priorities: Helping horses, preserving herself from the past.

Philosophy: Nothing is ever too small

Influences: Fanny is easily influenced by anyone and anything she gets close to.

Relates to: People from broken families, people who have done bad things, people who are hurting emotionally.

Etiquette: Neither great or bad. She knows how to behave appropriately but she's no aristocrat.

Main Goal: Forgiving herself/Finding inner peace

Minor Goals/Ambitions: Being a model trainer, having the highest number of rehabs under her belt (let's beat that Jake).


Coming of Age: Truthfully, 14. With her father dying and the sudden rejection of the other adults in her life, Fanny was thrown abruptly from childhood to "adulthood".

Evolution: Fanny went from a carefree, playful child to a reserved, brooding young adult all of a sudden. The road to opening up again is one she is slowly tiptoeing on.

Upbringing: At the beginning of her life, Fanny was taught to trust herself and all those good christian values of sharing, treating others with kindness and so on and so forth. After her father's death she learned other things; to be cautious, and to not expect anything from anyone but herself.

Infancy: Fanny was born in Sunset Valley and she had wonderful toddler years. Deeply loved by her parents, she got all their attention and lived in comfort.

Childhood: After their move to Appaloosa Plains, her mother finding work and her sister being born, things started to change a little. Fanny found herself more alone and started spending more time with friends who had bad influence on her. Eventually her parents separated.

Adolescence: Now fully integrated in Appaloosa Plains, Fanny started teenagehood just like anyone else. She'd go to parties, enjoy boys crushing on her, hanging out with her friends and occasionally riding her new best friend's horses (western). She hadn't heard from her mother in several years when, after turning 14, her dad said they were talking again and that maybe they could be a family again. Coincidentally that same week, Fanny found an article (during computer class) about that year's spelling bee champion, who turned out to be none other than her friend from Sunset Valley. Even though her parents had told her never to write her (without saying why), she felt upset enough towards them and encouraged by her friends, she decided to send the girl a note. That note ended up in a trash can back at Sunset Valley's school... and was found by one of the criminals whose ring was disturbed by Christopher's witnessing statements in court. Shortly after, as Fanny was on a school trip, her father was brutally murdered (during a date with her mother). Although the school did what they could to bring her back right away, she arrived too late and her father passed away at the hospital before she could say goodbye. Heartbroken and furious her mother accused her of having "killed" him with her disobedience. Completely messed up from losing her father and the words of her mother, Fanny became easily taken advantaged of. During a party to which she was dragged to by her friends trying to cheer her up, the brother of the sweet boy who liked her so much, took her out back and bullied her into sleeping with him. Since that day she's felt extremely wary of men in general, and will not stay by herself with one she doesn't know well. A year later, Alice's new husband uprooted the family to France. He was mean to her and she found refuge in the riding center up the street, working in exchange of riding. She poured her heart and soul into eventing and competing.


Greatest Achievement: 

Biggest Failure: 


Regrets: Not being there to say goodbye to her dad.


Best Dream: 

Worst Nightmare: 

Best Memories: 

Worst Memories: 


Current Residence: 








Work Ethic: 



Wealth Status: 






Equestrian Level: 

Favorite Horse(s): 







Defining Moments: 


One Word: 

Crime Record: 


Brain Functions




Special Education: 

Social Stereotype: 


Type of Intelligence: Linguistics (83%) - Logical-Mathematical (38%) - Visual-Spatial (58%) - Intrapersonal (56%) - Interpersonal (38%) - Musical (69%) - Bodily-Kinesthetic (42%) - Naturalistic (67%)

Extracurricular Activities: 





Most Valuable Possession: 

Prized Possession: 

Political Party: 

Favorite/Most Hated Color: 

Favorite/Most Hated Food: 

Favorite/Most Hated Beverage: 

Favorite/Most Hated Animal: 

Favorite/Most Hated Music: 

Favorite/Most Hated Place: 

Diamonds and Gold - Langhorne Slim
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